Friday, November 02, 2012

OSB kernel:398034 while creating proxy service with dual operations in a wsdl file

We had a requirement where i want to have a OSB which has 2 operations, but with same payload.
So started creating a webservice with 2 operation. Just copy pasted operation tag and renamed operation name, then copy pasted wsdl:operation tag with in wsdl:binding tag and renamed. but kept the soapaction tag with same URL.

Then tried to create a proxy service using the custom wsdl service. As soon as i use browse button to locate the wsdl file, iam getting osb kernel:398034 error.

Solution: Inorder to fix that error, you have to change the soap:operation soapAction URL. Change it and then try to browse your port or binding, navigate to Operation tab in eclipse and change the "Selection Algorithm" to SOAPAction Header.


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