Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Enterprise Manager/Application Server control is not coming up/ reachable after installing Oracle SOA Suite 10131

After installing the Oracle SOA Server 10131, When you click on the Application Control url you will hit with 404 page cannot be found exception.

Application Server Control has no routing relationship with the Oracle HTTP Server by default. We have to make that relationship.
To do the modification you have to edit the "default-web-site.xml" file with the below change.

The file is located in the below location with in the server.

make the ohs-routing="true", by default this will be set to "false".

Bounce the server and try to launch the enterprise manager then try to login.

If the above solution is not working then try to change an entry in the server.xml file which is located in the same location.

The file is located in the below location with in the server.

In the file change the below property to true and bounce the server.

application name="ascontrol" path="../../home/applications/ascontrol.ear" parent="system" start="true" /

Now try launching the enterprise manager and login to the server. You should be able to see the AS control page now.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sending Email using Telnet / How to check email server

While working with Oracle SOA, for every project we may need to configure the SMTP set up with the oracle SOA Server.
You have the SMTP server information with you, how to make sure the mail server is working fine.

So we can run a simple test to make sure the mail server is working fine. Please try the below steps.

1. Open a command prompt and enter as below to connect to mail server using telnet.
telnet mailserverdomain 25 ( 25 is the default port number)

You may receive a response from the mail server as below

220 mailserverdomain Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Connector

2. Say hello to the server.

HELO mailserverdomain [You may get the response as below ]
250 mailserverdomain Hello mailserverdomain, pleased to meet you

250 2.1.0 Sender OK

The from address should be informed to the mail server.

250 2.1.5 Recipient ok
The Recipient address should be informed to the mail server.
This command tells the server that we are going to send data from now on.
354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
6. SUBJECT: THIS MAIL IS SENT USING TELNET [This line is used to set the subject line for the mail]
Hit the enter key 2 times.
7. Then start your body part message for the mail. Once you entered the message for the body part terminate with a period.
250 2.6.0 Message accepted for delivery
8. To come out of the telnet connection enter the "QUIT" keyword.
221 2.0.0 Closing connection

This will terminate the telnet session. Watch your mail box for the mail that you just sent from telnet.

I hope the above post is useful. Please leave your comments to improve the post and for my learning if there is any mistake.