Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How to identify the ant version

1. Open a command prompt and set the path for ant.

2. After setting the path for ant, run the below command.
> ant -version

Click on the image to get clear picture.

Saturday, January 09, 2010

ORABPEL-01012 : file not found in suitcase description: File \"{0}\" cannot be found in the current suitcase.

When i was working on cloning bpel for various division, i was hit with an issue, i have to the name of the bpel file. Changing bpel name is a big task.

The root cause of the above exception is basically the bpel name is associated with lot of message names, variable names and wsdl names etc.,

So you should take care of them in your ant script.

If you get the above error, check the above names.

BPEL Functions

1. ora:getFaultAsString() is used to get the exception in string format, used in catchAll block.
2. orcl:lookup-table() is used to get a column value, this acts like key value pair type of information.


ColumnName : LOOKUP_KEY
DataSourceName: jdbc/BPELServerDataSource

I have created a table "XXX_INT_LOOKUP_TBL" under the orabpel schema, the table is holding the value so this function will allow you to get the value of a column without using any db adapter, but uses datasource which is described using enterprise manager.
3. contains() - This function will check for a specified value present in the payload or not.
4. count() - This will get you the counts of a particular node.
5. I was working on a automated email bpel, for every success and failure scenario i have to send email, that will have the time and date. I have used the following to get the required format.

<%ora:formatDate(ora:getCurrentDateTime(), 'MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss zzzz')%>
For more pattern you can refer java.text.SimpleDateFormat. The patterns in SimpleDateFormat are supported by above functions.