Creating outbound connection pooling using the web console is not allowing to create and it defaults to the local instances.
So there is a workaround to do this, You can create the outbound connection pooling by editing the weblogic-ra.xml file.
weblogic-ra.xml file is the one, which holds all the eis connections. By default it has some examples, so we can copy and paste the existing connection information and edit for your use.
You can find the weblogic-ra.xml file under the following path
After modifying the content, you need to restart the server. Stop the oracleBPELServer, Admin Server and nodemanager. Then bring all three up.
Test the outbound connection pooling that we created by navigating to outbound connection pooling page, the path for is as follows.
1. Click on the "Environmen" in the Domain Structure
2. Click on the Servers link.
3. Click on the "OracleBPELServer" link on the summary of server, available on the righside window.
4. Click on the "Deployments" tab.
5. Click on the "DbAdapter" from the list of Applications and Modules Deployed to this Server
6. Click on the "Configuration" tab
7. Click on the "Outbound Connection Pools" sub tab.
8. Expand the "javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory" available in the Outbound Connection Pool Configuration Table
9. Click on the "Testing" tab.
10. Check your Outbound Connection Pool and hit the "Test" button. You will get the result in the TestResult column.
If the result is success then the outbound connection is established, if it throws error, you need to go and check the xml tags in weblogic-ra.xml file.
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