When you write weblogic client you may encounter with below exception message.
"Root exception is org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE"
The above exception will surface when you use wlclient.jar to connect to the server box with t3 protocol.
Workaround is to use the weblogic.jar file to connect to t3 protocol with. This will resolve the issue.
IIOP protocol is used to send bulk data and slow, to connect to IIOP protocol use wlclient.jar , t3 protocol will be light and fast, use weblogic.jar file to connect.
"Root exception is org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE"
The above exception will surface when you use wlclient.jar to connect to the server box with t3 protocol.
Workaround is to use the weblogic.jar file to connect to t3 protocol with. This will resolve the issue.
IIOP protocol is used to send bulk data and slow, to connect to IIOP protocol use wlclient.jar , t3 protocol will be light and fast, use weblogic.jar file to connect.