Monday, May 17, 2010

How to change the eis connection during runtime

It is possible to change the eis connection name during runtime using the following approach.

1. Use assign activity and declare the eis connection details as xml fragment and point it to target partnerlink on the right side in assign activity window.

EndpointReference xmlns=""
Address eis/DB/XXX_SQLDB /Address

This will update the partner link with new value. There after the db operations performed will be on new database.

Friday, May 14, 2010

How to have default input value to bpel processes

As far as i know there are many ways you can do that.

1. Save the test data before initiate the bpel process.
but when u redeploy the same bpel process you will lose all the data that you have saved.

2. Create a Deployment property named "defaultInput" and paste your xml payload here and check "Store as CDATA section" option in the same window.

3. Using assign activity in the bpel process you can have xml content as xml fragment.

Then once u click on the initiate bpel process you will have this payload by default loaded.