Saturday, January 09, 2010

BPEL Functions

1. ora:getFaultAsString() is used to get the exception in string format, used in catchAll block.
2. orcl:lookup-table() is used to get a column value, this acts like key value pair type of information.


ColumnName : LOOKUP_KEY
DataSourceName: jdbc/BPELServerDataSource

I have created a table "XXX_INT_LOOKUP_TBL" under the orabpel schema, the table is holding the value so this function will allow you to get the value of a column without using any db adapter, but uses datasource which is described using enterprise manager.
3. contains() - This function will check for a specified value present in the payload or not.
4. count() - This will get you the counts of a particular node.
5. I was working on a automated email bpel, for every success and failure scenario i have to send email, that will have the time and date. I have used the following to get the required format.

<%ora:formatDate(ora:getCurrentDateTime(), 'MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss zzzz')%>
For more pattern you can refer java.text.SimpleDateFormat. The patterns in SimpleDateFormat are supported by above functions.

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