Monday, January 19, 2009

How to use Logical path with File Adapter in BPEL

I used file adapter in one of my projects and i thought will share some useful information that you can use.

Logical Path : BPEL supports the Logical and Physical path. Physical path is nothing but complete path. Logical path will be a relative path.

For defining the logical path you can start with . which denotes the current folder. By default current folder is /somefolder/app/oracle/product/soa/j2ee in oc4j container.

We need to mention this configuration in the bpel.xml file. like below.

{property name="oc4j_soa" type="LogicalDirectory"} ./../../arrowlogs/soa {property}
replace { with < and } with >


  1. Dear vijay,

    I have a FileWrite.wsdl with this content:
    <binding name="Write_binding" type="tns:Write_ptt">
    <jca:binding />
    <operation name="Write">
    LogicalDirectory="oc4j_soa" InteractionSpec="oracle.tip.adapter.file.outbound.FileInteractionSpec" FileNamingConvention="po_%yyMMddHHmmss%.xml" OpaqueSchema="false">
    <jca:header message="hdr:OutboundHeader_msg" part="outboundHeader"/>

    And I have added
    <property name="oc4j_soa" type="LogicalDirectory">./tmp</property>
    to my bpel.xml file as a children of /BPELSuitcase/BPELProcess/configurations
    but does not work. Sure I am doing something wrong... could you help me, please?

  2. Hi Gorka,

    As per your property, you should have the tmp folder under the following location in the server. Do you ?


    Please check this path. Otherwise you have build your own path to tmp folder.

